One of TNA Wrestling’s past World Champions Robert Roode claimed to be ‘the leader of the selfish generation’ where everything he does is for his own benefit and doesn’t think of anyone else but himself. Yes people, I do know it is scripted. The question is though, are the writers for TNA onto something? Have they become aware that this attitude of self absorption is now happening in the real world?

Today’s (18th April 2012) headline of the Herald Sun: “WHY DIDN’T THEY HELP? Drivers ignored hit-run victim bleeding in the gutter” appears to confirm this spread of attitude.

To sum up the news story, a man was hit by a vehicle that kept going afterwards. The driver that hit him and five other cars following all ignored this man.

Were they all members of the KKK and didn’t help because he was a black Sudanese man?

Did people not help because they were scared of being attacked for helping?

End of the day it doesn’t matter, the fact is they didn’t help.

During a major crisis, i.e. the Black Saturday bush fires, Victorian people were able to pride themselves on being part of a community that helps each other out. Victorians and lets be honest most Australians, have seemed to always fall back on the ANZAC motto of helping a mate no matter whom, or what. Six cars, yes SIX (6), drove past this man which means at least six people failed to do what we as a state and country have prided ourselves on doing for generations. We as a society deserve better than this. I believe there would be a lot of ANZAC’s rolling over in their graves at the state of this state, hell even the country.

I see no reason not to help a person who is in need of urgent medical help regardless of sex, race, colour, sexual orientation, etc, etc. I’m appalled that six people basically left this man to die. (Thankfully at this stage he hasn’t.) If this is society today, what hope do we have? Moreover, how is this teaching our children the right values? Children learn by example, especially by the actions and ideals of their parents.

As parents and as human beings we need to show our children what humanity is. Anyone that knows DD3 would have to agree that she is a perfect example that children mimic what they see and hear even to the point of saying for ‘fucks sake’ in the right context at the right time (yes this would be my fault). We have to put our faith in the younger generation but we also need to show them what is right and what is wrong. Sadly, our children will think it’s okay not to stop and help someone who is hurt or injured. I hope mine would stop. I hope that my partner and I have done a good enough job to show them that helping is the right thing to do.

I pray to Odin that Majok Manyang (the Sudanese man that was hit) pulls through his coma and lives to ‘fight another day’ and the driver who hit him is punished for such a selfish act. The drivers that failed to pull over and assist should hang their heads in shame.

Please people, do not let a scripted wrestling character be the way our society is truly going. Whether you think the ANZAC way is outdated or not the fact is we should be prepared to help one another. We are better than being a selfish generation.

Are values of simple kindness dying with our older generation? I hope not, for our sake and our children’s sake.

I suppose people would question would I have stopped? Well to be honest I don’t know because I wasn’t there but I would like to think I would have.

Logan Harris (appalled citizen)

DOG AND CAT… (Child! Teen! Adult!)

~The following post is sadly not my work although I wish it was. The author is unknown. Enjoy.~

I just realised that while children are dogs… loyal and affectionate … … teenagers are cats. It’s so easy to be a dog owner.

You feed it, train it, boss it around. It puts its head on your knee and gazes at you as if you were a Rembrandt painting. It bounds indoors with enthusiasm when you call it.

Then around age 13, your adoring little puppy turns into a big old cat. When you tell it to come inside, it looks amazed, as if wondering who died and made you emperor. Instead of digging your doorstep it disappears. You won’t see it again until it gets hungry …… then it pauses on its sprint through the kitchen long enough to turn its nose up at whatever you’re serving.

When you reach out to ruffle its head, in that old affectionate gesture, it twists away from you, then gives you a blank stare, as if trying to remember where it has seen you before.

You, not realising that the dog is now a cat, think something must be desperately wrong with it. It seems so antisocial, so distant, sort of depressed. It won’t go on family outings.

Since you’re the one who raised it, taught it to fetch and stay and sit on command, you assume that you did something wrong. Flooded with guilt and fear you redouble your efforts to make your pet behave.

Only now your dealing with a cat, so everything that worked before now produces the opposite of the desired result.

Call it, and it runs away.

Tell it to sit, and it jumps on the counter. The more you go toward it, wringing your hands, the more it moves away.

Instead of continuing to act like a dog owner you can learn to behave like a cat owner.

Put a dish of food near the door, and let it come to you. But remember that a cat needs your help and your affection too. Sit still, and it will come, seeking that warm, comforting lap it has not entirely forgotten.

Be there to open the door for it.

One day your grown-up child will walk into the kitchen, give you a big kiss and say, “you’ve been on your feet all day. Let me get those dishes for you.”

The you realise your cat is a dog again.


Definition of racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races – prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

That is from the Oxford Dictionary On-line so in English, whoops sorry that would be racist, let’s try again. So in any other language that means believing you are better than someone of a different race. i.e. I, being a WHITE CAUCASIAN am better than a BLACK ABORIGINE. Excuse me WHAT THE FUCK? Why am I better than an Aborigine? I don’t think I am.

Am I a racist?

No I like to think I’m not, in a way some people may think I am. But is racism becoming too politically correct just like the rest of our lives? I believe it has!

Racism has been around for Odin knows how many years and it is not always based on the colour of skin. Although at the time, it would not have been seen as racism due to the fact that the concept of races wouldn’t have been known but, the Greeks and the Romans were both racist empires as they thought they were better than the other. But guess what neither of them was. Attila the Hun was a great racist, he thought he was superior to everyone and had amassed an army so big that he nearly was better than everyone but that was due to army not superior race.

The American’s perfected racism during the years of the slave trade, black American’s were sold, bought, beaten, traded, used as stakes in card games and so on and so on. I’m sorry what made the White Americans better? Yes they had money but at one stage in history in America before the era of the slave trade Blacks had the same rights as Whites.

Let’s fast forward a few years (read a hundred odd). Adolf Hitler, now apart from being a genius, (will cover that in a different blog hopefully) one would argue that he was the biggest racist of all? Yes and no, yes because he tried to eliminate the world of Jews but at the same time he just hated anyone who he saw as a threat which in his case was everyone else except him and his adopted country Germany.

So why do we have racism? In my opinion, many reasons.

People: People are scared of what they don’t know and they don’t like things that are different. Thank Odin I don’t suffer that, if I did DD3 would not have a South African Godfather and just for the record he is not black not that it matters mind you. I also certainly wouldn’t be happy working where I was last, as I worked with people of other races, one of whom was a BLACK South African and he is one of the nicest people I know.

Religion: Yes I believe religion has a lot to answer for when it comes to racism. People believe their god is better than someone else’s god. Not racism you say, true but it leads to racism when for example Iraqis are hated due to the fact they worship someone else. Yes people, that is racism.

Parents and peers: This to me is the one of the worst causes of racism. It is drilled into children by their parents. Taught by peers, KKK of America, is an example. Sadly we live in a society of monkey see monkey do and some people just have the gift of the gab. Lets go back and look at Hitler, one of the worlds best public speakers ever, the man managed to use his words to turn a whole country against the Jews and thousands upon thousands of Germans believed that they were dying for a good cause.

Racism is sadly, generally seen as white’s being racist against people of different countries or different skin colour. But what a lot of people fail to see is that racism is a two way street and also a large circle. How so? Well, hypothetically speaking, I hate that man over there because he is black, so he starts to hate me because I am white – two way and also a circle because the hatred will just keep going around.

Now for my racist thoughts.

I don’t have a problem with any race but there are things that annoy the crap out of me about most of them. What you ask? Simple. The fact that most of them are racist and it is aimed at people like me. Things shouldn’t be changed in a society because it doesn’t suit one person. People come to Australia and want us to start changing things because our way of life offends their religious beliefs. What The FUCK! RACIST. Yes people it is racism because they don’t like what we believe in.

The sad thing is that our governments bow to their wishes to keep everyone happy? Hang on I’m not happy, I want my kids to be taught about sex, I want my kids to grow up where they learn to appreciate each other for being human not a certain race. If my daughter wants to become a stripper when she is older that is her choice and she should be allowed to without someone saying it’s wrong because the naked female body should not be seen by any man other than her husband. It’s her body not her husbands.

Racism should not control or dictate or lives and what we learn. One history department in the United Kingdom removed the Holocaust from it’s curriculum for fear of offending the Muslim pupils and another didn’t teach about the Crusades because “balanced treatment” of the topic would have challenged what some local mosques were teaching. I’m sorry what about the people that don’t go to the local mosques? Doesn’t this just cause more racism as it shows children that people of different races need to and should be treated differently. Well that’s really helpful, thank you very much education department.

Excuse me little Indian shop that makes yummy Butter Chicken can you please remove your little shrine thingy as I find it offensive when I’m waiting for my food.My reply would be get stuffed this is what we believe in and if you don’t like it don’t look at it. Well that is just too simple for some people obviously.

A baby is born not knowing anything about the world and different races and different skin colour so lets not teach them the wrong things, teach them the right things.

Racism exists because we allow it to exist.

Logan Harris (the white dude)


I am not a supporter of the TV show Glee and nor will I ever be. In fact whenever I see an ad for it I feel that I should either poke my eyes out with a red hot needle or sue Channel 10 for wasting my precious time on this earth with such dribble, but! The latest crap about a Glee photo shoot in GQ (a men’s magazine) being “creepy” and “pedophilia” shows that there are people out there that really just have no idea. (

The Parents Television Council watchdog group said the photos “border on pedophilia,” WTF? Border on pedophilia? No they don’t, the two women in question are both over the age of 20. So really as far as I was aware that isn’t pedophilia. Yes they were dressed in school uniforms and made to look younger. Come on people it is a men’s magazine after all, so of course it’s going to be with women in little clothing. One of the women has come out and apologised for the shoot, I’m sorry you have nothing to apologise for you are your own person and shouldn’t have to apologise for something that you obviously felt comfortable with in the first place. I really don’t get some people.

Let’s travel back in time to when I was growing up and there was none of this PC crap. I never once thought things were inappropriate when I was a kid because I was a kid and didn’t know better and to be honest I don’t think kids of today would think otherwise except for the fact that people draw attention to it. People who think this photo shoot is as they say bordering on pedophilia please do something useful and get a life and stop worrying about protecting everyone else.

I also must ask how does something ‘border on paedophilia’? It either is or isn’t Hell there is worse photos on the web in general that anyone can access for free and not only that the media is showing these supposed bad pics in all their reports so they can’t be that bad otherwise the same people should complain about the media. Oh whoops can’t complain about the media cause then you have no outlet.

Yes I am a male but I do not write this because I want people to stop picking on scantily clad photo shoots, I write it because I am sick of goody-goodies who really have no idea what they are talking about.

At the end of the day the world in general must come to terms with one thing. SEX SELLS! End of story and no it doesn’t just sell to men but there are women out there that it works on too. Stop trying to say that it always men’s fault women need to take some responsibility.

Logan Harris (the man who thinks political correctness is the biggest load of crap since Hitler said that germany would win world war two)


This is an old one I did back from October 2010. Re hashed a little bit.

Schools Minister Peter Garrett has rejected claims that the government is not spending enough on education after a new survey showed schools had become more dependent on fundraisers.

I’m sorry WHAT THE FUCK Mr Garrett?

Then he goes onto to say his government had provided over $60 billion to education since 2007 (until 2010).

Okay so that is $20 billion per year, yep that’s a lot of money I’ll agree but, let’s do some working out.

In Australia, not including N.S.W or ACT (I couldn’t find the stats for those states) there are about 4639plus government schools, then add to that the catholic education sector and the all the private schools which still get some sort of government funding. We end up with roughly $4.3 mill per year for each school, take into account I didn’t include N.S.W or ACT or the private schools so let’s be generous and say each school in Australia got $2.5 million per year.

I’m not even going to go into the extra sums like taking away teacher’s salary, building maintenance, insurance, etc, etc. Then we divide the balance by how many students go to that school.

Really the final figure ends up being not a great deal per student.

Mr Peter Garrett, former lead singer of Australian ARIA Hall of Famers Midnight Oil who claimed to be anti-politics and all about the working man and the environment, NO, the government is not spending enough on education.

How about this for an idea, the politician’s pay for their own petrol to get them around, pay for their own dinners and sell the $3500 each chairs that have been put into the new WAR room at parliament house (seriously why do we need a war room and why the hell has it got chairs that cost that much in it) and worry about our children’s future because let’s face it they are everyone’s future…

Logan Harris (the concerned parent)


God is the one you believe in, I believe in myself therefore I am GOD!

So on this theory I am Odin. But, I also believe in my partner that would therefore make her Frigg.

Now I don’t believe in my ex-wife therefore, sorry to say but, DD1 and DD2 would only be demi gods. I certainly don’t believe in my partner’s ex-husband therefore DS1 is only a demi god too. But DD3 being our child would therefore be a goddess and I think all could agree she would be called Loki, “god of strife” (yes DD3 is a girl and Loki is a boy but you get my drift). But this theory would then be blown out of the water with the fact that a close friend surely believes in herself therefore she is a goddess and so forth which then means we are all gods which really, when you think about it nullifies the whole being a god.

So am I GOD?

For ages I have always said I am atheist but a true atheist does not acknowledge deities at all, and seeing as I have just mentioned some, that anyone who follows Norse Mythology or watched the THOR would know of, I guess I’m not really atheist. So what am I?

I do believe in a force, not ‘The Force’ of the Star Wars universe where they can make things move – although Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi does describe it best as an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together.

So who/ what is GOD? Please remember this is my opinion so if I offend anyone I am not sorry because it is simply an opinion.

Let’s look at the so called modern day GOD. If, you believe in the Genesis theory GOD created Adam and Eve, and then created all man equal and so forth and so forth. Okay, if that is the case why do we have racism in the world when we are all created equal? Why are there even different nationalities if we are all created equal? Kind of unravels that theory a bit.

Catholics are anti-same stuff such as homosexuality, but hang on if GOD is so perfect and the one and only, why has GOD let people be homosexual? Surely the catholic belief should be that it’s okay because god created all equally. If GOD exists why does he allow wars to be held in his name? I’m sorry what sort of GOD would want his creations to murder and maim each other? Sorry people, it just doesn’t equate.

GOD created earth and all on it correct? Well, can someone please explain to me why we have poverty, why we have third world countries, why we even have different religions? That whole line about ‘god so loved us he gave his only son’? Please, some one that is as good as GOD is supposed to be should be giving more than his only son. If GOD loved us so much, how could a GOD who loves his creations so much let Word War II happen? How could a GOD that loves his creation so much let something like the Port Arthur Massacre happen?

Show me proof that GOD exists and I’ll convert to whatever religion you want, even Scientology (mind you I don’t believe that is a religion).

Miracles may happen but it has nothing to do with a GOD. Miracles, fate and coincidences are due to the force (refer back to the bit about Obi-Wan Kenobi). The Star Wars Force is simply a fictitious creation but the basis of it makes sense and if you think about it you have to agree there is something there.

People would argue that the bible is proof GOD exists, well to me the bible is just a bunch of stories; I haven’t seen anything to say they really happened, yet for some strange reason we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the death of Jesus. Jesus isn’t even a god if anything he was a demi god so why are we celebrating it?

Who knows maybe tomorrow GOD will prove to me that he/she exists and strike me down with lightening but then what sort of GOD would GOD be to leave my children fatherless.

Logan Harris (the one and only self appointed Odin because I believe in myself)