FIBROMYALGIA!!! Is it real?
Yes. Yes it is.

My partner has been diagnosed with Fibro and at first she said the doctor was full of shit. Well, since then she has changed her tune as many things about it make sense to her after doing some researching into it more.

Now, I have been accused by my partner (and with good reason) of not believing she had it and thinking it was all just excuses – yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. Well, in my defence, it was never a case of me thinking it wasn’t real or that she didn’t have it. It was my lack of understanding.

Do I understand it now? Hell no, and before you all yell at me and tell me I should, let me explain.

I don’t fully understand it but I’m learning.
Does Scarlett know all about it? Personally I don’t believe so.
She has joined many groups on Facebook set-up as support groups for those suffering from Fibro and she has made many friends through those groups but the thing I noticed most when she joined these groups is how much more she learned about it.

From what I do know and what I have read and heard, I honestly don’t believe anyone knows everything about it and to be honest I don’t think anyone will.

This doesn’t mean that us as partners, friends and family of those diagnosed with it should just push it aside. We should learn more about it.

How you ask? Well, it’s very simple.

Hello people, we live in the world of the internet, look on-line, ‘internet it’ (something my BIL said once instead of “Google it”), speak to your loved one who has it and get them to explain it from their point of view and how it effects them.

This is something that affects 2-4% of the population.

Ha, I hear you say that’s not much.

Well, people, there is more than 7 billion people in the world which means there is between 140 – 280 million people with Fibro. Russia, has a population of about 145 million so when you think of it like that, all I can say is not suitable for this blog.

Fibro can even cause relationship/marriages to fall apart. I can only assume this is due to the lack of understanding by the partner who doesn’t suffer Fibro. Hell, I’m sure I was even one of them but the fact is I love my partner too much to let something like this ruin us and I’m trying to understand things more.

I watch my partner suffer pain, fatigue, fogginess, weakness and differing levels of depression and anxiety daily, some days are good and you wouldn’t think there is anything wrong with her, some days though – she struggles to get out of bed. I cannot even begin to imagine the mental turmoil this places on a person. My partner being the person she is loves being a mother and spending time with all her kids and I do know that it tears her up inside when she can’t because of the pain she is in. She is not able to go out and have a social life like she used to. Dates for us can sometimes only be confirmed on the day.

People, I only ask for a few simple things of you.

If you know of someone who suffers Fibro learn about it and support them.

It can cause not just physical pain but mental pain due to the fact that the person suffering Fibro doesn’t get the support from loved ones.

Logan Harris (supportive partner of a fibro sufferer)

2 thoughts on “FIBROMYALGIA!

  1. thank you so much. thats all i ever wanted was understanding into what i feel on the daily basis. it hurts me to my heart that im not able to do all i want especially with a 8 year old thats very active. i'm glad someone took the time out to understand this and research it. once again thank you so much.


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