For those of you who know me, you will know I am a fan of the San Francisco 49ers of the NFL in America and have been for many years now.
For those of you who don’t know me, well, I am a fan of the San Francisco 49ers of the NFL in America.
Except we won’t talk about the Super Bowl XLVII.

Anyways, as I stated, fan of the 49ers and all of the players except one.

Chris Culliver, the now famous, for the wrong reasons, corner-back of the 49ers.
Why the wrong reasons?
Simple, during Super Bowl week, this moronic fool made the following statement:

I don’t do the gay guys man, I don’t do that. No, we don’t got no gay people on the team, they gotta get up out of here if they do. Can’t be with that sweet stuff. Nah…can’t be…in the locker room man. Nah.” when asked “How would an openly gay NFL player be accepted in the locker room?”*1

So my thoughts? You homophobic, motherfuckin’ tittysuckin’ two-balled bitch.*2 Would you like to step out of the dark dark ages and join us in the present day?

He then comes out the next day with the following:

The derogatory comments I made yesterday were a reflection of thoughts in my head, but they are not how I feel. It has taken me seeing them in print to realize that they are hurtful and ugly. Those discriminating feelings are truly not in my heart. Further, I apologize to those who I have hurt and offended, and I pledge to learn and grow from this experience.*3

I’m sorry, what the?

Not how you feel? Really? They must be otherwise you wouldn’t of said them.

The 49ers immediately went into damage control and released a statement saying:

The San Francisco 49ers reject the comments that were made yesterday, and have addressed the matter with Chris. There is no place for discrimination within our organization at any level. We have and always will proudly support the LGBT community.*4

Well done them.
As far as Chris’ apology, too little too late if you ask me.

He is also now doing sensitivity training with ‘The Trevor Project’ (The Trevor Project is a leading American organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.)

So the question is – is he truly sorry for the comments or is the apology and the sensitivity training just something his publicist, the team or the NFL even are making him do as damage control?

Either way the comments were made and they are out there. I don’t believe anything he does now is going to change the public’s opinion of him.

What I find sad is that he is a black American and surely he has suffered, at some point in his life, some discrimination.

So, for lack of better words, he should have known better.

If you search his name on Google, you will come up with articles describing what he said and damning him for it and articles defending him and blaming people behind him for not preparing him better for a media day in Super Bowl week, saying he thought it was a joke and so forth and so forth – the fact is, he has said these comments and just pushed Gay and Lesbian rights backwards yet again.

When you are in the public eye you cannot go about making these sorts of statements.

So enough about Chris himself – should gay men be allowed to play male dominated sports?
Yes, of course they should!
Why shouldn’t they?

Should lesbians be allowed to play women dominated sports?
Again, yes, they should.

Seriously, what is wrong with this world? In today’s age we need to be more accepting of everyone regardless of which side they play for.
So, are we all of a sudden worried that a gay man might check you out in the locker room while you’re showering?
Get over yourself; you may not even be appealing to him.
I’m not gay but I will assume the thought process of a homosexual person is the same as a heterosexual person.
Meaning, just like me not being aroused by every woman I see, a gay man is not going to be aroused by or check out every single male. Get over yourself, your not Odin’s gift to women let alone men.

Why should someone be told they can’t play a sport simply because they like the same sex?

Seriously, we live in the 21st century. A gay person should have exactly the same rights as a non-gay person. Personally, if someone didn’t want a gay player on their team then maybe they should leave the team…

Regardless of sports, we need to move beyond the line that separates homosexual and heterosexual.

I know a few gay people, most of whom you wouldn’t even pick as being gay and to be perfectly honest, I find they are more forgiving than most other people. I guess they have to be, to deal with the amount of discrimination in this world towards them. Their sexuality hasn’t changed them as a person, a friend or family member – so why should our attitudes change towards them simply because they prefer the same sex???

History shows us that this form of discrimination is not suitable in today’s age – look at the whole women’s movements where women wanted equal rights? Try that today and I think you would be shot. Slavery and racism? Same thing – not acceptable and seen as a horrid thing of the past.

So why the hell is the discrimination of gay and lesbian people acceptable today?

Why is there even a debate about gay marriage?

Why does a football player feel the need to make comments about not accepting someone who is openly gay onto the team? These are no brainers really and shouldn’t even be issues.

Sadly though, even if the world as a whole accepted gay marriage, gay’s playing football etc., etc., there will still be the small bunch of ignorant asshats who think –

  • women belong pregnant, barefoot and naked in the kitchen,
  • there should be a nigga out in the field picking cotton,
  • Australia should be damned to hell for having a female Prime Minister,
  • and the likes of Ellen Degeneres and Melissa Etheridge should be burnt alive or sent to a mental asylum for being openly gay (yes, that used to happen!).

Last time I checked, and this is based on the gay people I know, they are human beings first and foremost.

Anti-Gay people, grow up and join us in the real world please.

It’s really not that scary.

Logan Harris (friend of gay people)

*1, 3, 4 –
*2 – Quote from Agent Zoil in the movie Paul