(Disclaimer: Today’s blog is co written by Cam Mitchell (and he didn’t even know at the time.))

So Australia has a new Prime Minister, all I can say now is Odin help us.

What the hell were people thinking Saturday? Or is it more the fact that they weren’t thinking.

I know Rudd wasn’t all that good a choice either but who in their right mind voted for the budgie smuggler wearing fuckwit Abbott?

I am the first to admit I don’t follow the politics as closely as I probably should, so a lot of you will now be saying, well in that case how can you justify saying all this and passing judgement. Well I can because, one I voted which in a sense gives me the right, and two I’m educated and I read stuff so I can work out when we’re in for a crappy time with the poor excuse of a man leading our country.

The following few bits were written by Cam Mitchell and posted as his status on Facebook:

My heart sinks today.

Truly a bad choice for Australia and it’s friends.

Here’s why I’m so passionately opposed to our prime minister elect and the LNP:

I still haven’t really heard any actual policies (even if I like or dislike them).

They want to deliver a national broadband network that will see fibre to the node, then you’ll get your Internet down copper. Some of that copper has been in houses for 60+ years.

Cutting foreign aid by 4.5 billion. This is simply appealing to the selfish people of one of the most prosperous nations in the world. We have a responsibility to help. God help us all if Australia finds itself in crisis and those we cut aid to are in a position to help.

Cutting the carbon price. This is just crazy. Climate change deniers in government. Thanks guys. Makes about as much sense as the sun revolving around the earth.

Turning back boats. To be fair I loathe both major parties policy on this. But if I hear “stop the boats” one more time I’m going to scream. Besides, they won’t stop the boats. Howard only did it because there were a tenth of the wars going on in the world back then, and he still got people killed.

Marriage inequality. WHY ARE WE STILL EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS?!?! Person a loves person b. done. They marry and hurt no one ever. Well, no more than heterosexual couples. Makes me mad.

The deficit/surplus discussion. I’ve said it before, but you need to spend when you’re rich. And Australia is rich. As my brother Andrew, perfectly (sarcastically) put it: “times are tough. Man, I can only afford ONE carton of imported craft beer today”. Look at Europe. AUSTERITY IS NOT THE ANSWER. I’ll leave the minor detail to folks like Martin, to explain much more eloquently than I ever could. Australia has some of (if not) the best quality of life in the world. As Ben put it: if you think it’s been tough for the last 6 years, you’re in for a bloody rude shock.

Abbott is anti abortion. We need safe environments for women to make the toughest choices, not the backyard of some unlicensed dodgy doctor.

Massive cuts to indigenous legal aid. If you need me to even go into why this is just wrong, then I don’t think you’ll ever understand.

The list goes on and on and on. And will for 3 years.

I feel people voted for selfish reasons, thinking govt debt is like personal debt, and thinking refugees are a threat.

Labor, you didn’t really help with your pandering to votes in your refugee policy and trying to play against the right wing with right wing tactics.

I’m so disappointed for our future. This man will bring us back to the 50s, where the rich get richer and the country gets whiter. He will embarrass us internationally, and scarily will lead the party that will have the president of the United Nations security council when this Syria thing goes down.

I really hope Australia learns from this, or that the LNP are not what I think they are. Because I don’t think I can bear the thought of a country voting for those ideas.



Nicely put Mr Mitchell. Who incidentally said earlier today that he won’t be back from the UK until to quote “… you politically burn that waste of oxygen; Tony Abbott.” Huge fan of your work Cam.

I don’t have millions and millions of friends on Facebook (thank Odin) but not one of them has ever said anything positive about Tony Abbott or the Coalition, and some of them in turn have been claiming the same thing about their friends list. So my question is where are all the Tony Abbott lovers? Seriously by degrees of separation I’m yet to find a Liberal supporter.

I could go on about the things that bug me about the coalition but Cam pretty much covered it all in his writings.

People’s of Australia, I am now seriously questioning the sanity of this country. All we can hope is that in the next three years at least, that we learn from our mistake and that the ALP can get a decent leader and become a more stable party than they have been of late.

I can’t even find words to describe the poor excuse of a man that is now the international figure head for this country.

Now aside from all the political stuff I can simply not respect a man that, at the time was wanting to become Prime Minister not only goes out in public in Speedo’s but allows himself to be photographed. Speedo’s should only been worn, in my opinion, by swimmers for competition swimming, not for leisure.

I hope you can all sleep well.

Logan Harris (not a fan of the budgie smuggling Tony Wanker Abbott)